Ready To Manifest More Money Than Any Year Before? Here's How

Can you believe that we are almost at the end of January, already one month into 2022?

Maybe you’re already full steam ahead on the year and your goals…

Or maybe you’re still easing into 2022.

Either way, there’s no right or wrong, and if you’re still easing in, please don’t feel like you’re “behind” or that you’ve started the year off on the wrong foot!

For me, January is always a slow month. I’ve been back with clients since the first week, but I’ve definitely been taking things more slowly than usual. Matt, my husband, is a school teacher and we have spent most of the January summer holidays down the coast, spending time with family and friends, enjoying the beach and sunshine. A little bit of work and a lot of play. Living the dream, as it were. And feeling so grateful for this life we’ve built with the freedom to ease into the new year in this way. 

So if you’ve been taking things slow too, you’re not behind! You have time!

In today’s episode, I’m sharing how you can make more money than any year before. I’ll be diving into the energetics, mindset and strategy of manifesting more money.

Whenever I teach manifestation, I teach 5 keys: Clarity, Believe, Inspired Action, Trust and Receive.

I’m going to take you through these 5 keys today and how you can start implementing them in your business to manifest more money and make 2022 your most abundant year yet.

But first…


A Note on Manifestation

Manifestation and the Law of Attraction is something that has become more and more mainstream in recent years. When I was first teaching manifestation 5+ years ago – it was NOT mainstream. Unless you were in the spiritual community, it’s not something people took very seriously.

Now you’ll hear lots of people, from all kinds of industries, talking about manifestation – which is amazing! The more people out there creating and living their dreams the better, in my opinion.

But I think it's still important to define what I mean by Manifestation and the Law of Attraction…

The basic concept is that “like attracts like” – what you put out into the Universe, you get back. Your energetic vibration is like a magnet, so you attract what is an energetic match for you.

Now while that is all true, it's also not the only piece of the puzzle. The Law of Attraction is not the only Universal Law that exists. And what I have seen happen when this is your only frame of reference is that it can sometimes create a cycle of blame and shame.

Say if you have a negative experience or something “bad” happens to you…it can be very easy to fall into a place of self blame and have thoughts like:

“This has to be my fault somehow. What was I doing or thinking to attract that negative experience? There must be something else I need to heal. There must be something else I need to work on. What’s wrong with me? Why is this happening to me?” And so on. 

Which is not productive for anyone, and not conducive to manifestation in and of itself.

It’s important to remember that we all experience highs and lows in life. And experiencing a low point, whatever that looks like, does not mean anything about you as a person. You could be the most high vibe person in the world and still experience grief, loss, illness, challenges, all of the above.

And… we also live in a patriarchal world that is not equitable. Not everyone starts in the same place. Not everyone has the same opportunities. And that’s also really important to remember.

So, while I teach manifestation and believe in the power of manifestation. I think it's really important to note from the outset that it is nuanced. It is not as simple as “like attracts like”, full stop. Now there’s obviously more to this that I won’t be covering today – because that could quite honestly be several podcast episodes…

The purpose of today’s episode is to share with you my five keys to manifesting and how they can support you to manifest more money than any year before. But I just wanted to note that upfront – be really careful not to fall into any sort of blame or shame game when it comes to manifestation. It’s not productive for anyone.

Now, onto manifesting money! This is where we get to have some fun. Let’s dive in.

Manifestation Key #1: Clarity

This is about being crystal clear about what it is that you want, so that you can ASK the Universe for it. What we are looking for here is CLARITY on your ask.

The reason you want clarity is because when you’re vague with the Universe, the Universe will be vague with you. And no one wants vague manifestations. Like, kinda sorta, not really. No. We want a hell freakin’ YES!

Now if this is sounding a bit out there and a bit woo…let me share something with you.

There’s this thing in our brain called the Reticular Activating System or the RAS that essentially acts like a filter. We can only take in a certain amount of information in any given moment and the RAS is what filters that information for us. It’s like the instagram algorithm for your brain – it knows what you focus on and then filters the information coming in to present you with what it believes is important to you.

This is why you can hear your name being called in a loud crowd, even when you can’t make out anything else people are saying, or why if you want to buy that new red car, you’ll start seeing that new red car everywhere you look.

That’s the RAS at work.

It’s also why you want to get clear about what it is that you’re manifesting. Once you have that clarity, you can start directing your focus there intentionally through visualisation practices, journaling or anything else that really helps embed that clear vision in your brain. Because that’s when the RAS will create a filter to present you with the opportunities that exist all around you to bring that manifestation into reality. Pretty cool, huh?

When it comes to manifesting money – that means getting clear on the numbers, first and foremost...

What’s your income goal for the year?

What does that look like each quarter, each month?

What does that look like for your different offers?

And then getting clear on what that money means to you… 

How will it feel to have that amount sitting in your bank account?

How will it feel to see those payment notifications come through?

How will you spend it?

What will it mean for you personally?

What will it mean for your family?

What will it mean for your lifestyle?

The key here is to be as specific as you can. Because again, if you’re vague with the Universe, the Universe will be vague with you.

Manifestation Key #2: Believe

This key is all about your mindset…which in turn impacts your energy and the energy you’re showing up in for this manifestation.

Because manifestation is all about becoming an energetic match for what you’re manifesting – and a big part of that is BELIEVING that it is possible for you.

If your income goal feels so wildly impossible, like that could never ever in a million years be you, then you’ve got some mindset work to do.

And even if it doesn’t feel wildly impossible – working on your mindset is an ongoing process that is always going to serve you. My clients that manifest results quickly and continue to leap and leap and leap, are the ones that consistently do mindset work.

One of the things I support my clients with all the time is uncovering and moving through mindset blocks. When it comes to manifesting money, that might look like uncovering the money blocks that are holding you back from creating more money in your business.

And in my experience, often just identifying that this thought or block is coming up for you is enough for you to start shifting it. Write it out on paper and look at how ridiculous it is, because often these thoughts don’t even make sense.

Some examples that might resonate for you are:

  • “What will people think of me if I earn that much money?”

  • “I don’t want to be seen as greedy”

  • “It’s greedy to desire that much money”

  • “People who earn that kind of money are wayyyy more attractive than me”

  • “People who earn that kind of money don’t wear activewear all the time”

  • “I’ll start making more money when I lose weight”

If any of these resonated for you – I want to share, first and foremost, that it is not greedy to earn more money or to want more money. And it certainly doesn’t matter what you look like or how much you weigh or if you enjoy wearing activewear.

I will never forget the moment, at a conference quite a few years ago now, when money mindset coach Denise Duffield-Thomas had us all stand up in the audience and shout “This is what a wealthy woman looks like!” I love this, because you will still be YOU, just with a bigger bank account.

And if there are people in your life that begrudge you the money that you earn, they are not your friends. Good riddance.


Manifestation Key #3: Inspired Action

Oooh this is where things start to get juicy! Because it’s not enough to ask the Universe for what you want and believe it into reality. You’ve gotta make some moves. Manifestation is a co-creative process with the Universe. You meet the universe halfway and in turn the Universe will open doors for you.

And I say INSPIRED ACTION because it's action that is inspired by what you’re manifesting. Action that is grounded in your vision. Action that takes you closer to that vision. Not procrastination disguised as action. Not distraction disguised as action. Inspired action.

When it comes to inspired action and manifesting more money in your business, I want you to take a look at your offers and your pricing and make sure that your business model can actually support the money you’re manifesting.

Because, in my experience, so many business owners will say: “I want a six figure business. I want to earn six figures in my business this year.”

Okay, amazing! So, how are you going to do that? What are your offers? What are your prices? How many clients do you need to make $100,000 in a year? How many products do you need to sell? Does your current model support that? Because if it doesn’t, then you need to make some changes.

A lot of my clients, when they come to me, they’re feeling burnt out from one-off 1:1 sessions, whether that’s healings or readings or one-off coaching sessions or something else. And the first thing we look at are their offers, their pricing, how they are working (or not working) for them and then what changes they need to make.

Because it’s not enough to just say: “I want to earn this much money in my business.” You have to take action to make it happen. And this is true at all income levels – whether you are manifesting your first 6-figure year or your first 7-figure year. Your business has to actually support that manifestation in real life.

And, of course, we can’t talk about inspired action to manifest money without also talking about SALES!

Because here’s the thing… you have to talk about your offers. You have to ask for the sale. There’s no way around it. And I know this is one that spiritual business owners shy away from, but you simply can’t if you want to make more money.

This is why soulful sales is something I talk about with my clients inside both my programs, the Spiritual Business Academy and the Spiritual Business Mistressmind, all the time.

Sales = money. It doesn’t have to be sleazy or unethical, there is a soulful way to do sales!

If you want more on soulful sales, I recommend listening to my episode with sales coach Harriet Mellor here. We talk about all things soulful sales, you’ll love it. 

Because sales is absolutely key if you want to make more money in your business this year. Let’s make 2022 the year of embracing sales in your business! Inspired action at work.

Manifestation Key #4: Trust

Alright, this one is a biggie! Trusting that what you’re manifesting (or something even better) is on its way. Acting as if it’s already a done deal…because it is!

When it comes to trust, your main job is to hold the vision and keep holding the vision. This is again key to your energy and the energy you’re showing up in for your manifestation.

And this means holding the vision and trusting, even when it feels like things are going “wrong”, even when it's not happening on your timeline, even when it's taking longer than you’d like.

This is one of the most challenging things you will ever do when it comes to manifesting anything in your life and business. Holding the vision when it feels challenging or hopeless or hard to do so.

But what’s important to remember is that the Universe has only three answers for us: Yes. Not right now. Or something better is on its way. There is no outright “no”.

Yes. Not right now. Or something better is on its way.

Your job is to continue to hold the vision and trust. Trust in yourself, trust in your vision and trust in the Universe.

Manifestation Key #5: Receive

This is probably my favourite one! And it actually isn’t something that I’ve always taught…

I added RECEIVE into my manifestation teachings when I had a personal experience that showed me just how easy it is to cockblock ourselves from receiving.

It was actually when Matt and I were manifesting the house we live in right now. Because when we first saw this house, we weren’t in a position to put an offer in. In order for us to buy, we had to first sell the apartment we were living in at the time.

So when we first saw this house, it was months before we were even ready and we lost it. It went under offer, exchanged and was taken off the market. Cue, our disappointment.

To cut a long story short, the sale ended up falling through and the house came back on the market. When the agent rang us, we were trying to work out how to make it happen. We were still days away from putting our apartment up for sale. So close, yet so far. 

But then, by some miracle of manifestation… we received an offer on our apartment, which we accepted. We spoke to the agent. We spoke to our mortgage broker. They were able to get us pre-approval based on our sale within 24 hours. We put in an offer straight away and boom, our offer was accepted. We’d bought this house!

In something like 5 days we’d gone from not being in a position to even entertain putting in an offer to being the new owners of one. And it’s still to date one of my favourite manifestation stories!

And the reason this was such a big lesson in receiving was because I remember quite clearly how FAST it felt, how ridiculously impossible it felt to have all the moving parts fall into place at exactly the right time and how easy it would have been to just say: “thanks but no thanks Universe. It’s too quick, it’ll never happen, why even bother.”

That was the moment that receiving, as a lesson, really dropped in for me.

We had to be OPEN to the possibilities and opportunities available to us at that moment. We had to take inspired action and allow ourselves to receive. 

So, the moral to the story is…don’t cockblock yourself from receiving.

You will always have free will. You can always say “no” at any point along the journey, even right at the end when your manifestation is about to drop in. You have to be all in on RECEIVING right up until what you’re manifesting has manifested.

And in my experience, it often feels more sticky right before something manifests. Fear comes up, resistance comes up, it all rises to the surface at that pointy end of manifestation. Your job is to allow yourself to receive when the Universe delivers.

The 5 Keys of Manifestation – Clarity, Believe, Inspired Action, Trust and Receive.

If you want to manifest more money than any year before…leaning into these five keys is going to support you to get there.

I also have a free download that you’re going to love. It’s called Six Spiritual Practices for Manifesting Your Dream Business. These are practices that will support you to ground your manifestation practice into your daily routine. These are the practices that I’ve used and that my clients have used to generate six figure businesses, sold out launches and more.

You can download it here.

This is next level manifestation. I can’t wait to hear how you go.

Thank you for being here today – I love sharing this juicy episode all about manifesting money with you. Manifestation AND money – two of my favourite topics rolled into one.

Here’s to making more money in 2022 than ever before!


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