5 Mindset Shifts That Helped Me Scale My Business

Building and running a business is a big journey of personal growth and requires stepping outside your comfort zone again, and again, and again.

And that’s why mindset plays such an important role in scaling your business.

Yes, you need a solid business strategy BUT if you don’t have the mindset to back it up and support you to make the big bold moves you often need to make as a business owner, it’s going to be a lot harder to reach your goals and create the business you so want to create.

Mindset is one of the three core pillars of my signature coaching framework, and if you’ve been in my community a while you’ll know that it’s something I talk about and support my clients with a lot.

When it comes to scaling, it’s true when they say “what got you here, won’t get you there” – whenever you’re upleveling in business, that next level requires something different from you. 

Next level results require a next level mindset.

And when I reflect on my own journey to scaling my business and what that looked like mindset-wise for me – there are 5 big mindset shifts that supported me to hit that next level. 

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I’m sharing what those 5 mindset shifts were that helped me scale my business. 

Let’s get into it.

Mindset Shift #1: I let go of perfectionism and the need to control everything

In the early days of my business, like so many entrepreneurs starting out, I did pretty much everything myself. I wore all the hats – website designer, social media manager, customer service assistant, bookkeeper, marketing manager, candle maker, graphic designer AND of course, CEO. 

Now this isn’t unusual, it’s how so many of us start out.

And, in my opinion, is actually a really great thing. I love how accessible it is to start and build your own business – there’s so much you CAN do yourself to save money in those all important early days.

However, there’s also drawbacks to this – Just because you CAN do it, doesn’t mean you should. 

And for me, as a recovering perfectionist – it often meant I spent far too much time doing things like editing my social media captions over and over or curating the aesthetic of my Instagram feed. Trying to make everything “perfect” – which is an impossible standard to hold yourself to and just such a waste of time.

If you’re a perfectionist about everything in business, it’s only going to slow you down. 

For me to scale – especially once my first son Noah was born when I just didn’t have the time to faff around anymore – I needed to let go of that perfectionism around everything in the business and the need to control every last detail. It was wasting my very precious time. If I wanted to scale my business, I had to start doing things differently.

This was also the time when I decided to outsource and bring on team support to help take some tasks off my hands so I could focus on the things that mattered in terms of growth and scaling – and you just simply can’t be a perfectionist when you’re outsourcing. 

You’ve gotta relinquish that control and know that even though no one is ever going to do everything EXACTLY the way you’d do it – that’s okay! In fact in many ways it’s a very good thing. They won’t overthink it in the same way you will. It’ll be more efficient and you’ll have more time to focus on what’s important.

If you’re someone who thinks or says things like “I could never outsource that task because no one will do it as well as me” – I’m lovingly calling you out here and encouraging you to think about how much time and money you’re losing by holding onto everything so tightly.

Something that I’ve personally found super helpful here is the 80/20 rule. The 80/20 rule says that 20% of your efforts will create 80% of your results. 

When applied to perfectionism, it means that you’ll usually be able to get to “80% good” pretty quickly and efficiently. But getting from 80% good to 100% perfect will likely take a lot more time and the benefit or impact of that extra 20% is negligible, especially when we’re talking about writing a social media caption or making your Instagram feed look aesthetically pleasing.

So that’s a belief that I’ve really leant into as I’ve scaled my business – perfect doesn’t exist and 80% good is good enough. 

I recently read somewhere, don’t let “perfect” get in the way of “good”. And I couldn’t agree more.

Mindset Shift #2: I got comfortable in the mess of scaling quickly

Here’s a confession for you – there are still things my team and I are organising on the backend from 3 years ago. I’m not kidding. Things like our old file storage and old email addresses from back before I changed my business name still need to be transferred and updated.

But here’s the thing. The reason we’re still chipping away at that backend organisational admin work is because it’s simply not a priority.

When you’re scaling, particularly when you’re scaling quickly, things can get a little messy on the backend. And once upon a time that would’ve stressed me out to no end. But not anymore. I just don’t have time to worry about shit that’s not important.

So this was a big mindset shift for me – being comfortable and okay with the messiness of it all.

Now don’t get me wrong, we’re still hugely organised and have documented systems and processes, but there are always those little tasks on the backend that are just not important and not urgent. And yes, it sometimes makes things a little messy. But does it matter? Not really. What matters is spending your precious time on the things that ARE important.

Again the 80/20 rule applies here – when scaling, you wanna be focusing on the 20% of tasks that are giving you 80% of your results. That means some things will become less of a priority and as a result, it may get a little messy on the backend.

If you want to scale your biz but the idea of things being a little messy makes you feel uncomfortable, then this is THE one mindset shift you need right now.

Mindset Shift #3: I gave myself permission to dream big and not hold back on claiming my desires

This is a big one. How often do we hold ourselves back from setting a goal because we deem it “unrealistic”? We don’t even let ourselves go there and claim it as a desire because “why bother? It’s never going to happen anyway.” 

Sometimes we might even do this subconsciously. Like we don’t even realise that we’re keeping our goals in check. I know that was the case for me – I didn’t realise I was doing this until I stopped to reflect on what I really wanted and found that my goals were actually much bigger than I was letting myself desire.

The reason we do this is because our ego wants to keep us safe – that’s its job. In this instance it’s keeping us safe from disappointment. But at the same time, it’s keeping us playing small. And when we hold ourselves back in this way, we are doing ourselves a massive disservice.

Something I hear a lot from spiritual heart-centred business owners is: “it’s not about the money, I do this because I love it, it’s my soul purpose and my heart calling.” And it’s true. You ARE in this business to create an impact. 

BUT there’s often another desire alongside that to make your business your full time income – for it to support you and your family and help you create the lifestyle you want.

If you want your business to do that, you ALSO have a money goal. There’s a deeper WHY behind the money, yes! But it IS also about making money – and if you’re ignoring that, you’re again holding back from claiming your desires.

I scaled my business when I went ALL IN on what I really wanted. I stopped holding myself back from dreaming big and gave myself permission to really go there. To claim how much money I wanted to make in my business. How many women I wanted to impact through my work. How many hours I wanted to work in my business. How I wanted my business to support me in my life as a full time mama.

AND here’s a fun fact for you. I often don’t actually reach my goals. 

But I wholeheartedly believe that because I stretch myself with my goals, I get further than I would if I set something more “realistic”.

Mindset Shift #4: I fell in love with the process of business building

When I say I love the process of business building what I mean is that I enjoy planning and executing strategies – I love taking a business goal and creating a strategy and a plan to help me get there, testing things out, asking “will this work? will that work?” 

It’s also one of the reasons I love my job as a business coach. Because the process of business building excites me. I love creating and strategising and planning and looking at how you can take your business from A to B – whether that’s for me or my clients.

Yes, it’s about the result BUT it’s also about the process. So when something doesn’t work out the way I expect, there’s less pressure. 

And I can almost hear the collective groan. So often I hear – “I hate sales, I’m not good at marketing, I wish I could just spend all my time doing <insert what you do here>.” 

But the fact is…you’re the leader of your business, it’s up to you to build it and if you don’t like that process, it’s going to be infinitely harder and way less enjoyable for you to scale.

Because no matter what, there’s always going to be the next milestone, the next goal, the next launch, the next thing you’re doing. You’ll never ARRIVE at a finished business. There is no finish line –  the finish line is the end when you sell or close your business. 

So you’ve gotta enjoy the journey, you’ve gotta learn to love the process of building and scaling.

You don’t have to love EVERYTHING but you have to love more than you don’t.

Now you might be thinking “But Bec, I really don’t like sales! Am I doomed? How can I fall in love with business building when the idea of sales makes me want to stick pins in my eyes?”

And I get it. It’s all well and good for me to say “fall in love with the process” but sometimes it’s easier said than done – how do you actually do that if you currently don’t enjoy something so integral to your growth like sales?

The answer lies in WHY you hate sales right now and the mindset shift you need to make around sales specifically.

Do you hate sales because you don’t want people to think you’re being “sales-y”?

Do you hate sales because in the past when you’ve been selling one of your offers, you’ve heard crickets and had no bites?

Do you hate sales because you just don’t feel confident in selling yet?

Here’s what I suggest here: Identify what’s holding you back from loving the process of building your business and invest in changing that.

If it’s sales, invest in getting really good at sales.

If it’s confidence around money, invest in getting better and more confident at managing your money. 

The support, training and resources are out there to help you turn this around. Focus on what is going to support you to shift out of this resistance and actually enjoy your business.

Mindset Shift #5: I learnt to ask for help rather than try & do it on my own

Such a biggie! And honestly one of the biggest game changers for me in scaling my business. 

As a kid, I was always SUPER independent – I wanted to do everything on my own, I didn’t want or need help from anyone. Feeling strong, independent and capable was really important to me. And in many ways it still is, I just don’t take myself so seriously AND I don’t see asking for help as a weakness. In fact, I view it as a strength. Knowing when and how to ask for help is one of the smartest things you can do. 

For far too long in my business, I tried to do everything on my own. And it got me a part of the way. I did enjoy some good success in the early days of my business BUT I also stagnated pretty quickly and rather than investing in support straight away, I tried to do it on my own.

What shifted this mindset for me was becoming a mama for the first time. When Noah was born (4 years ago now!), it was a huge turning point for me. No longer did I have the luxury of time to faff about. If I wanted to grow and scale my business during this season, I needed to ask for help and get support.

That was when I joined a mastermind and went on to hire team support in the business.

And surprise, surprise, that was when I had my first 5 figure launch. It’s so clear to me now and seems so obvious – like, of course, when I invested in support I saw real results – but at the time, I held this belief that I “should” be able to do it on my own. “I didn’t NEED help.”

But that cliche is so true – just because you CAN do it alone, doesn’t mean you SHOULD. 

And since then, asking for help and investing in support has become my norm.

For example, when I started this podcast, I did it knowing that I was ALWAYS going to outsource the editing and production. I knew that if I wanted to have a podcast, I didn’t have the time nor did I want to do it on my own.

Could I learn how to do it? Sure. Did I want to learn how to do it? No, not really. My time and energy is better spent elsewhere.

I leave it to the pros. And shout out to the team at Bamby Media – the pros who edit the Feminine Fire podcast for me. They are amazing at what they do and I’m so grateful they do such an incredible job so I don’t have to.

So there you have it – the 5 mindset shifts that helped me scale my spiritual business:

  1. I let go of perfectionism and the need to control everything in the business

  2. I got comfortable with the mess of scaling quickly

  3. I gave myself permission to dream big and not hold back on claiming my desires

  4. I fell in love with the process of business building

  5. I learn to ask for help instead of trying to do it all on my own

Now if you’re ready to scale your business – join the Spiritual Business Mistressmind

I am excited to share that the doors to the next round of the Spiritual Business Mistressmind are now open. 

The Spiritual Business Mistressmind is my 6 month mastermind experience for spiritual women ready to scale their businesses and grow to consistent 10k months while staying grounded in their values, spirituality and purpose.

This has been designed specifically for women who have built the foundations of their business, and are ready to take it to the next level.

Over our 6 months together, I’ll share with you the strategies, tools, resources and practices that I’ve used to scale my business to six-figures, and have supported my clients to build abundant, sustainable businesses that they love. It’s a combination of strategy, mindset, energetics and spirituality. 

We start Monday 9th October and are already filling spots with the most amazing women. 

To find out more, head to www.beccuzzillo.com/mistressmind


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