How To Create Consistent Cash Without Working A Million Hours & Burning Out

As a mama in business, with 2 young kids, who has created consistent cash flow while working only 2 days per week…

The #1 question I get asked ALL the time is…”How do you work less and still make consistent cash – and how can I do this too?!”

So in today’s episode of the Feminine Fire Podcast I want to dive into how you can create consistent cash without working a million hours a week and burning out.

Because I know that you didn’t get into business to work yourself to the bone. 

You don’t want to spend every waking moment working and thinking about your business. It’s not sustainable and it can lead to overwhelm, resentment and burnout, which is ultimately not going to support you to have the impact you want to have and create the life you want to lead. 

Consistent cash, a thriving business and sharing your magic with the world doesn’t have to come at the cost of your health and wellbeing.

So let's talk about it. 

1: The mindset to create consistent cash

You want to create consistent cash without working a million hours and burning out.

My first question to you is – do you believe that’s possible for you?

If you don’t believe it’s possible for you to create consistent cash without working so freaking hard and burning yourself out, then guess what…you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle.

Where this thinking really trips you up is when you go into self sabotage by making things harder than they have to be. 

Because if you don’t believe it’s possible to create consistent cash without working really hard…then you will find ways to work harder and work more. You will overcomplicate things and keep adding things to your plate, even if they’re not actually moving you towards your goals, because in your mind, working hard = success. You think that if you’re not working hard for it, then it’s not going to happen.

And this is ingrained in us, as a society – our capitalist society tells us that if we just work hard enough then we can be successful, we can get ahead in life, we can make more money. 

Even though it’s not true. 

There is SO much evidence out there of people not working very hard at all who are making mega bucks AND on the flipside, lots of people working very very hard without much to show for it. How hard you work does not equate to cash in the bank.

And that’s not to say that you don’t need to put in the work and be persistent in business, because you do and it is a journey that will stretch you in so many ways…but my goodness, don’t make it harder than it has to be.

You need to first believe in the possibility for yourself and your business. 

And you need to choose that belief again and again and again. Because when you do that, your brain will then support you in finding ways to make it happen. 

This is what it means to have a growth mindset. 

You go from not believing in the possibility and therefore being fixed in your mindset where there’s no opportunity for growth, no solutions available to you…

TO believing in the possibility and therefore opening up to ALL of the solutions available to you.

  • Where are you currently making things harder than they have to be?

  • Where are you currently not believing in the possibility for YOU?

It’s time to shift out of this belief and CHOOSE the possibility instead. 

Rather than focusing on all the reasons WHY it's not possible or it “shouldn't '' be possible – choose the possibility, open up to those opportunities, start looking for solutions and STOP making things harder than they have to be.

2: Goals to create consistent cash

You want to be clear on your goal AND what it actually means to you.

What does creating consistent cash mean to you and why is it important?

Is it because you want:

  • The freedom and flexibility to spend more time with your kids?

  • The security to be able to leave your side job and go full time in your business?

  • To be able to work from anywhere, travel the world and live that laptop lifestyle?

  • To become the primary earner in your family and retire your partner?

  • To have more “fun money” to go on a lavish holiday every year?

You need to get clear on what consistent cash means for you – because when a goal has meaning and when you are clear on the WHY behind it, then you are so much more connected to it.

It’s easier to stay motivated, follow through and focus on what you need to be focusing on. It’s also something that you can continue to come back to and remind yourself of when your mindset gets a bit wobbly or you’re moving through challenges.

  • What does creating consistent cash mean for you?

  • What will it allow you to do in your life and business?

  • And what will it FEEL like to have that consistent cash coming in each and every month and knowing that it’s locked and loaded for the months ahead?

3: The strategy to create consistent cash

When it comes to creating consistent cash and doing that in a spacious way, without burning you out – STRATEGY is key. This is how you’re going to make it happen!

And the most important strategy piece you need to nail is your business model and your offers.

So firstly – is your business model geared for consistent cash? 

Do your offers support this? 

You don’t want a business model that:

  • Relies on constantly having to bring in NEW clients all the time. 

  • Relies on you creating something NEW to sell to your clients all the time.

  • Doesn’t allow you to plan for the long term because there’s always an immediate priority that requires your attention.

These are all signs that your business model is not geared for consistent cash.

So how do you turn this around?

Instead of having to bring in new people and create new offers all the time – you want to have a business model that facilitates client retention so that you can continue to serve and support the people already in your world. 

You want to have a solid offer suite that has a clear customer journey – where each of your offers has an intentional purpose so it’s clear WHO each of your offers are for and WHY they’d invest in your offers at different points of their journey. 

And you really want to have the ability to be proactive and plan for the long term so you can continue to refine and grow and scale. 

Your business model needs to be set up in a way that supports your goal of creating consistent cash.

At the same time, you ALSO need to be doing this in a way where you’re not working ridiculous hours and burning out – and the key here is to…

Be really intentional with how you set up and structure your offers. 

Before you can make any strategic decisions around what your offers look like, you need to know how many hours you want to be working. 

What is the actual time we are playing with here?

Once you know the answer to that question, you can then look at your offers and assess whether they are currently set up in a way that aligns with the hours you want to work. 

If you want to work 15 hours a week but the way your offers are currently structured means that you’re actually on 20 hours of 1:1 calls each week – then you’ve got a problem. 

Your offer isn’t structured in a way that works for the amount of time you’ve got – so what do you need to change to make that happen?

What’s important when you’re looking at the strategy piece here is that you’re looking at HOW you’re creating consistent cash and HOW you’re doing that in a way where you’re not working yourself to the bone 24/7 to make it happen.

  • How many hours do you want to work each week? 

  • Are your offers currently set up to align with that?

  • And if not, what changes do you need to make?

4: The habits to create consistent cash

Let’s be clear, as a business owner, there is ALWAYS more work to be done. 

Like, you never really ever get to the end of your to do list, so it’s important that you fuck that expectation off right away if that’s something you’re holding onto. It’s never ALL done. 

Part of stepping into the CEO role of your business is knowing what and how to prioritise. 

What are the most needle moving tasks? And how do you not get distracted by the things that just aren’t a priority?

This is something I’ve been schooled in myself recently. For example, you might have team members who are waiting on you for something, you might have a deadline looming or past its due date, and a million other priorities competing for your attention – and they ALL seem both important and urgent.

So how do you prioritise? 

It comes back to being super clear on your goal. What’s your goal right now? And therefore, what’s the priority? If creating consistent cash is the goal, then firstly DECIDE that’s the goal and everything else will flow on from there – anything that supports your goal is the priority and anything else is just a distraction.

Because if you DON’T want to work a million hours, you will have to set boundaries for yourself around your time and then, of course, maintain those boundaries. This is way easier to do when you’re clear on your priorities, you have a plan, you’re organised and you know how to manage your time.

These are the habits that will support you to create consistent cash in a sustainable way – being planned, managing your time, having solid boundaries around when you’re working and when you’re not working. 

Because when you’re not working, you really need to be NOT working. Clean rest is so important. Resting without guilt. Resting without thinking about everything else on your to do list or everything else you could be doing with your time. Your health and wellbeing needs to be a priority if you want to avoid burnout.

  • What is your goal right now?

  • What are the tasks that support your goal? These are your priorities.

  • What are the tasks that don’t support your goal? These can wait.

  • How are you structuring your day and your week to include clean rest and to support your health and wellbeing?

  • What are the habits that are most supportive for you in this space?

The word that keeps coming to mind for me throughout this whole episode is intentional. Being intentional around your mindset. Being intentional around your goals. Being intentional around your strategy including your business model and your offers. Being intentional around your habits.

These are the four areas you need to be considering, looking at and getting intentional around to start creating consistent cash in your business without working a million hours and burning yourself out – your mindset, goals, strategy and habits.

Sign up for Confident Consistent Cash

Now if you’re serious about creating consistent cash in your business – then I’d love to support you inside my program Confident Consistent Cash. 

The doors are now open to the next round of this program with kick off on 27 May 2024. 

This is THE program for you if you’re ready to create consistent cash and build your confidence in business this year. This is the third time I’ve run this program and the women are always incredible, we get incredible results and feedback. And I’m just so excited.

When you sign up you get:

  • 4 months of coaching with me

  • 8 group coaching calls (2 per month)

  • 8 modules of pre-recorded trainings, resources and tools, everything to support you to create consistent cash in your biz

  • Plus a Group Slack channel and community for support and questions between calls

You can find out more at


Creating Consistent Cash Through Strategy AND Soulful Biz Practices  with Claire Bradshaw


3 Lifestyle Factors To Consider When Choosing Your Business Model